Tuesday, April 4, 2017

My Jamberry Journey

So after 30 something years of living life I've realized that I'm a pretty lazy person.  I seem to always take the easy road if I'm given the option.  I don't like drama, confrontation, fussiness, or anything to do with working too hard.  Sometimes I attribute this to growing up in a house full of boys ;) but who knows what the real reason is (I mean this is not a psychology blog) that's just the way it is.
For growing up with only brothers, sometimes people are surprised to find out just how much of a girly girl I really am.  I love pink and purple and frilly skirts.  I love make-up and trying to do fancy things with my hair.  And I love it when my nails look beautiful!  I have quite a collection of nail polish to attest to this.  But remember that lazy person thing I was talking about...yeah, that makes it hard for me.  You see, whenever I painted my nails, usually by later that day or maybe the next if I was lucky, that nail polish was already chipping and looking not so beautiful anymore.  Yes, you know what I'm talking about, of course you do. You mean to tell me that I have to redo them every or every other day?!!  Um...I don't think so. And so I would do my nails for special occasions, or when I was trying to look extra beautiful.  Maybe once every two years I would go to the salon and get my nails done, but being an introvert...that definitely wasn't my favorite thing to do, not to mention the cost.

So there I was wishing I could have beautiful nails that would last for longer than 2 days and didn't cost me an arm and a leg and an awkward conversation...but I didn't have a solution, and I was too lazy to try and think of one.  I just suffered through my naked nails...every...single...day, until the spring of 2015.  I kept getting invites for different Facebook parties: books, clothes, make-up, cleaning supplies, and things I've never even heard of!  I'm starting to get a little annoyed at all these parties.  No I don't want to buy your stuff, leave me alone!  Then my sister in law invites me to her Facebook Jamberry party.  I don't know what a Jamberry is and I never really cared enough to look, but I wanted to support my sister in law with her party so I decided to join in.  I read a couple of posts and realized, "Hey this is about having beautiful nails that I can do myself and last more than 2 days! Hold on!  This is exactly what I need!"  Then I was kicking myself for not taking the time to even see what a Jamberry was before!  I bought 4 sheets of super duper cute nail wraps (they're buy 3 get 1 free and I couldn't just choose one!)  I could hardly wait for them to come in the mail, which they did just a couple of days later and I tried them out.

This picture is my very first Jamberry manicure, and it was after I had them on for 6 days!  I loved them so much, I emailed the Jamberry lady from my sister in law's party and asked her where do I sign so I can share Jamberry with everyone I know!  I wasn't looking for another job, I was a teacher at the time and had my plate full, but I knew I was going to be showing everyone how beautiful my nails were, and I knew they would want to know where I got them done, and I figured I would take the middle man out and just sell Jamberry myself.  Now, 2 years later, I love Jamberry as much as I ever have.  Does everyone love it?  Nope, which is totally fine.  Not everyone is me. Not everyone needs the same things I need.  I am just here to share my love of beautiful nails.  If you love beautiful nails, however you get them, fist bump sister!  Whether you love Jamberry, hate Jamberry, or haven't tried them but love yourself some beautiful nails I hope you'll tune in and share all your beautiful nails with me!!

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